Monday 29 June 2009

If you're not confused, you're not paying attention

In the last post we looked at the myths of infinite latency and bandwidth. I'd like quickly to cover some of the other fallacies before coming back to these, and how they result in some fundamental architectural constraints for distributed systems.

So let’s quickly check off a couple of these fallacies and their solutions.

The network is secure - It's not. The internet is a public network. Anything sent over it by default is equivalent to writing postcards. You wouldn't write your bank account details on a post card. Don't send them openly over the web.

Solution: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the famous “padlock” icon in your browser. Now my postcard is locked in a postcard sized safe. It can still go missing, but no-one can open it without the VERY long secret combination.

There is one administrator. - There is not. Lots of people, all speaking different languages, with different skills, running different platforms with entirely different needs, requirements and implementations. The people deploying code to the web are often entirely separate from those responsible for keeping that code running, often these groups have nothing to do with each other.

Solution: When designing software for this type of environment, you should make absolutely no assumptions about access to or availability of particular resources. Always write code using a "lowest common denominator" approach. Try to ensure that when your system must fail or degrade, it does so gracefully. I will come back to this in a future post.

These problems resulting from the heterogeneity of distributed systems are mostly solved or worked around by the adoption of the various web standards. The point of the standards is that messages can be exchanged without the requirement for a specific platform, or all the baggage that goes along with that.

Right... take a deep breath. Some of the jargon used in the next couple of paragraphs may cause eye/brain-strain, but do not fear! All will become clear, hopefully in 6 posts’ time. The next 3 posts will cover what I would regard as the most important considerations in building a large web based system, and are directly related to the remaining fallacies.

Network Topology doesn't change. Statelessness
Transport cost is zero. Atomic/Transactionless Interfaces
The network is reliable.Idempotence (yes. really!)

Following that, I’ll discuss some of characteristics and issues that emerge from systems built within these constraints. Specifically, Concurrency, Horizontal Scalability and Distributed Data Consistency (or inconsistency, as more accurately describes the issue).

So next time... Statelessness.

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